Sunday 9 November 2014

Writing explanation

Sea turtles life cycle

This is an explanation of the sea turtles life cycle, they are coming close to extinction they have lived since the dinosaurs and now human intervention may cause the extinction of them.

First the female lays the eggs in a burrow in the sand she lays around 800 eggs but only 200 of them hatch. After the 200 eggs hatch the baby turtles make their risky journey to the water sadly crabs and seagulls get the better of them another 200 drop.

The 200 baby sea turtles that reach the water have yet more predators to face like sharks and other large fish, for the first few days of their life under water the swim frantically forward and then try to find a patch of seaweed to settle under. For a few months they stay under their temporary home to avoid getting eaten by predators but unfortunately another 100 drop.

After they have lived under a patch of floating seaweed for a few months they grow into the adult size.Their shells are now really hard and they are the size of a dinner plate. Now their only predator is the shark. Sadly with all of us humans polluting the ocean 100 turtles die after all of this only 2 turtles survive to breeding age and then this whole lifecycle happens again.

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